-K- The Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, Hay 6, 1961 41 1 Hoce'" your ad Clotilfled Counter, 143 South Mole by Wodnowloy 4 4A 4 1 4 4 4 4' I if' 31-let for Sale 31 lots for Solo 28-Homn for Solo 28-Homos for Solo 29-Intom i Proparty 29-lntonit Property 28-Home for Sal 28 Homes for Salt OPEN DAILY 1:00 TILL 7:00 FOURPLEX- 1 "LIVIN' IS EASY In lovely, nearly -new 3-bedroom unit. Beautifully carpeted and draped, built-in range and oven, refrigerator, copper-lined huge planter, covered patio, large swimming pool, heated and filtered, huge amusement room and bath roughed-in in the basement, and best of all. a complete caretakers service. You have nothing SWJS? CR ,4012. ROSE PARK RAMBLER $850 DOWN, $105 MO.
wsified SPRING LOT SALE In beautiful ST. MARY HILLS tail of St. Mary of the Wasatch College LOTS-90 to 100 Ft. Frontage, Fully Improved SALE PRICE-57, 500 to TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Call Davit, HU 5-1359 Muhlitein. HU 4-3544 814.800 1, the FHA approved price tor this 5-year-old, 3-bedroom brick home.
Two lull beth. I 2 spacious oearoome huge dinlnl area. 20x22 garage, I Kitchen with birch cabinet it Dining area OPEN DAILY 1-00 mi 7:00 2102 East. Greenbriar (385ir BEDROOMS, BRICK RAMBLER, FULL BASEMENT, CARFOBT HOUSE OF LUXURY Craftsmanship, refinement end dignity are immediately evident through the spacious interior of the House of Luxury. 1.
Elegant built-ia even and range. 2. Handy disposal. 3. Luxurious flagstone fireplace 4.
Elaborate (2) ceramic tile baths with stall shower, shower over tub and built-in cabinets 8. Exclusive washer and dryer' pace upstairs with broom closet HOUSE PRICED AT ONLY $19,900 Close to schools, shopping center and bus line. We will build House of Luxury on your lot or ours. Have personal attention of builder by buying through Construction Realty. Office, HU $-7461.
Eves, or AM 5-2223. EL 5-5811. CR 7-2727. DUPLEX- J308 Fisher Lane (3000 South) Double Your Investment Every 5 Years Brick Rambler All on One level Each unit hat: 4r Utility room ft Tile bath with cabinets ft 3 linen closets ft Large porch Eourplex has ranga and refrigerator. Near shopping center, churches, schools.
Duplex Selling for Less Than $10 Per $2,000 Clear Profit Per Year on Duplex WE WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT SEE OUR CHOICE LOTS CONSTRUCTION REALTY INC. HU 6-8070 Officer HU t-7461l Evel. and EL 5-5811. CR 7-3727 AM 8-3233 lIDEAL FAMILY HOME IN IDEAL AREA! extremely Urge bedrooms; lfc baths; carpeted living room: charming amusement room all air-conditioned. brick home with fenced nd sprinkled yard plus de luxe patio.
MUST SELL DUS TO TRANSFER (otherwise wouldn't sell) $33. $00. Eves call AX 6-3713 or CR PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 3-level, newly carpeted throughout charming end livable excellent area. 4 bedrooms; 2 baths; family room; amusement room. call EM 3-3673 or DA 8-8327.
1 DRIVE BY NO. 3877 EAST-WOOD LANE (about 2595 East and 38th South) 3 bedrooms maut -floor; 2 baths: elec, built-ins finished down; refrigerated air-concHioning and pre-cipitron; delightful patio; decorated yard: recessed lighting. etc. WOULD CONSIDER SMALLER HOME OR DU-PLEX! call HU 4-0110 or DA 8-0422. 4-PURCkASED LARGER HOME Must sell this excellent East Bench 2-bedroom brick with extra bedroom down carpeted and newly decorated.
call EL or EL 97598. REDONDO AVENUE (east of 13th Xast -4 bedrooms (2 on main floor) ONLY $13,000. (Owner transferrins to California-anxious for quick sale) call HU 4-3195, EM 4-9552 or IN $-1337. COOK REALTY Realtor 1 1st South EM 4-3611 36 Farm Acreage, Ranches CATTLE WHEAT CATTLE Over 2.000 acres. 1.200 rich dry land.
125 fertile irrigated, balance pasture. 3 miles of creek open stock water all winter. Eariy spring range. Summer ranga for 150 cows, grows abundance of feed for winter. Short winter feeding season.
2 modern homes good corrals, scaleig etc. Good equipment. 29 down, easy terms. Phone Downey 2805, Lewis McFarland, owner. Arlmo, Idaho.
149 AC. OF excellent farm land with all the water needed, good 4-bedroom home with basement and 2-oar garage. Also corrals, equipment shed and granaries. Good setup for roweroo or cat 30 Property lor Sale-Trod fenced and Beautifully landscaped yard, sparkling clean with nearly new carpets and drapes. To inspect, call CR 7-0260, EL 5-9602, JUST LISTED About 28th South 27th East.
Nice 3-bedroom, large kitchen, mam-floor utility RAMBLER. Call to see and only 815.700 Owner anxious and that accounts for realistic price. CaU EL 0-3107. AM $-1682. CRUISE WAY 4-year-pld brick two-level com- finished onr both levels.
bedrooms, 24 baths, fabulous amusement room with bar and cut stona fireplace. Walkout lower level. Beautiful garden, sprm-klered and with cut stona planters. Carpeted, draped, 2-car rage, prime neighborhood Ownef transferred to Denver, occupancy about June 1st. Call AM 5-6373.
CR 7-0866. TRADE TRADE Executive 4-bedroom 3-bath home with swimming pool in Murrays nicest area. Radio, intercom, master lighting system, built-in hi-fi. flowing well, carpeting. drapes, covered patio.
3-car carport. Its too large for the present Owner. Ha will en tertain any and all types of trades or sell on contract. Call CR 8-9012. AM 5-3232, CR KNIGHT- 373 So 8th E.
Realtor, EM 4-1945 SO. CALIFORNIA, lor sal or trade. 12-unlt apt. almost new 2 BAY truck service building. hook up.
S.E. loc. AM 5-0164. BRICK RAMBLER with 100 occupancy, excellent location, vary ntc lai 29A-Busineu-lndustriol Investment Properly Will sell on TOU down payment or will trade for Utah or Art-rona properties. Beat return per dollar lnveatment have seen for a long time.
Priced at 299.500. Call Mr. Buchanan at Doxey-Layton DA 2-3431 or tle. Located iust out of Tridell. Utah.
CaU Richard Turner, AM 5-2223. CONSTRUCTION Office HU 74ttiy ln Realtor CHOICE 2-bedrm, home plus 58 acres meadows. Nice home and 255 acres on the Weber River. 120 acrea modern home, Idaho. acres 3 modern homes, daho.
Ideal for sumer homes on Weber River. Mr. Steed. HU 4-9754. Reed Realty.
1398 South 4th East IN 6-8489 410-ft. irontage Investors, builders, leasers. Nr. 48th Highland Dr. 4 acres commercial.
16 acres residential. Norton, CR 7-2503 SIXPLEXES Trade your home In, on one of lhe two beautiful almoet new sixplexe In excellent E. location. You can aaiily become the landlord" on these proper-tiee that youll be proud to own! CAPITOL HILL DUPLEX Locking for a homt plus Income? This ones a beauty in a top rental area close Three bedrooms in each unit SEE THIS ONE FOR SUREl HAYMORE 149 9th S.J Realtor, EL 9-2067 IN 7-2968. EL 9-5258.
CR 7-2753 TRAILER LOTS FOR SALE ara subdividing a lar, tract exclusively for mobile homes, featuring 60x90-ft. lota, large patios, sprinkling svstema, new shopping and recreation area, with swimming pools, surfaced roads, curb and gutter, many other features, designed, engineered and recommended by the National Mobile Home Assn. For information, call DA 2-1601 or CR 8-8671 or write Ensign Realty. 218 E. 5th South, Utah.
ft BUILD' AND SAVE ft 2 level view Jots, 130 ft. front. PARK TERRACE (3100 So. 3600 E.l. IN 7 -4 110.
85x152 ft. lot (4800 GOOD INVESTMENT. $6,000. AM 5-2046 --IN 7-41 10 IN 6-5096 CR 7-401 8" Gundersen Bros. 3271-Highland Dr.
HU 6 7254 RICE MANTI DAIRY FARM Nice horns. A real dairy barn. C. Earl Morgan Realty AM $-1252. REALTY 239 E.
8600 South AM 8-8848 MODELS OPEN DAILY BELMONT HEIGHTS Peocsfu! suburban living with beaut, mt. and city view. Quality homes built by GAIAXIE. Severaf models to choose from. Split 4 level.
See our levels, ramblers, early Amsr. and PEGASUS MODEL Comb, aluminum siding end snlit block exterior include fnL STeI City location "near 15th East spur DiocKi sxrsnor, nciuosj toi- and 15t South Three bedrooms. lowing features: Built-in range- A-J oven, Vh baths, ceramic tile window sills, storm door, disposal, colored bath fixtures, coved linoleum, gas lamps in front glass jJwr door, Sproytex celj-ng and fmished recrea. rm. Prices start at $15,800.
Gl, FHA and conventional ftnoncing available BELMONT HEIGHTS 8920 So. 13th East bath and a half, newtv carpeted living room and dining area ONLY $14 95V! THERES ONLY ONE SO BETTER HURRY I HAYMORE 149 flth Realtor EL 9-2067 CR 7-2753. EL 9-5258. IN 7-29S8 PAINT HOME For Down Payment 4000 WEST CLOSE IN. Business, Industrial property os No.
Temple, west of Redwd. Fd. Over 500 ft. frontage. acres.
R. trackage. WiU divide. By owner. Write Box J-28.
this paper. ACREAGE N.W. OF UTAH TAKE Nine hundred acres, about half in dry farm wheat, overlooking Utah Lake. OPEN TO OFFERS! HAYMORE. REALTOR.
EL 9-2067, -4N 7-2968, EL 9-6268, CR 7-2753. NEW 6-PLEX Av.nu, location. 4SO per month Income. Ample parkins Excellent return on your lnveatment Will trade for residential property Call HU 4-3813, HU 45952. or CR 8-9903.
MT. OLYMPUS REALTY 2933 East 33rd South HU 4-8806 HOME SHOW MANUFACTURER'S REP RESENTATIVES ON HAND AT ALL DAY SATURDAY-TO ANSWER- YOUR QUESTIONS ON ALL PHASES OF REMODELING AND GARDENING. KETCHUM'S 4th South at 7th West EL 5-4656 GIFT shop and maple shop, good going business 6 apt. 2-bed room ouse aU on on. -kU4cing 2 streets.
Sen Gabriel Valley. Calif Owner retiring. $35,000 will handle. Write Box K-2. this paper 31-Lots for Sal WANSHIP COTTAGES ON WEBER RIVER Adjacent to Rockport Lake.
35 minutes from Salt Lake City, -COTTAGES $2,500 up LOTS $1,000 and up As low as $300 dn. One mile south of Wanship. American Home and Ranches HU 4-2965 IN 6421 4 SUMMER HOME SITES NEW AREA 4 mile, east 4 Utah, on Mirror Laka road. Up to 3 acre, 2300 and up. Sale or lease.
Grant Woodward. Kama, 2331 or ave 8.L.C.. CR TWO EXTRA SPECIALS Nr. new state park 45 acreSH 21 shares water, only 816,500. -14 acrea good irrigated paw ture.
Lou water. Only $9,700. CaU Hcber 47? R3 or 666 Rl. GRAHAM REALTY NEW Subdivision orSingie Lots READY TO GO NOW' Fully improved, water, sewer, paved roads, curb, gutter all in LOCATED IN CLEARFIELD CITY. The hot spot! This project can clear you million.
Can be bought nothing down if your credit is good Hurry for this one Call AX 5-3632 Also platted subdivisions in Centerville and Boun-tlful for sale. BUSINESS LOT, LEHI Includes old home. Will 4rade What have you? AM 9-4589. Sproul Realty, EL 5-2923. 4-unit apartment.
Ruffe end refrig. Separate utilities. parktm landscaped. Close in. Eve, EM 3-3370.
or EM 3-5057. FIRST SECURITY REALTOR 919 ACRES, Brigham City. 694.500. 29 or less down long terms. 195 acres, Hiway 30.
Corinne City, over 3 mi. hiway and road frontage Ideal for future shopping eenter, $91,500. Agent DA2-AX 54312. Parkway 3-5174. BUY, LEASE, OR LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY.
Excel, business prop, from owner. S. Mam Street EL 5-7864, CR 7-7185, EM 4-7213. EM 4-0264. 4455 SOUTH CY 8-520 1 Front 1 to 6 p.m.
Total purchose price $13,100. Following axtras included; Full ceramic pullman ond bath, fireplace, built-in range and oven, large carport. Office, CY 8-3341 from 9 to 7 weekdays. MIDWEST REALTY After hrs Sun, CY 8-4954, CY 8-3658 CY 8-3323 421 South Mam Street. DA 8-8282 Sat.
or aft. 3 DA 2- 1-0509 HIGH AVENUE SPECIALS 78547th Ave. New de luxe contemporary, Exquisite finishing $43 500 809-17th Ave French Provincial styling. Elegant decorating $46,000 696 -18th Ave. Lovely view, large 3 2 baths Large terrace.
Bartile roof. $45,050. 80048th Ave. 2.200 sq. ft.
of living space. Unsurpassed view. Room for 6 bedrms $49,500 CaU EL 5-5714. IN 7-1331, HU 4-3535. DA 2-2087.
-MIDVALE LIVE FREE in this new triplex and let the othw unit make the payment 2 bedrms carports, 4th unit roughed in. Income $205 mo. Priced to SELL at $18,500. New listing. Call Jerry Morgan, EM 3-3455.
SOUTH DAVIS COUNTY brick, modern. Immaculate interior. New carpet. 14x25 living rm. open beamed ceiling All electric kitchen Large play rm.
and den. Easy terms CaU Bill Herman sen. HU 4-3535 North Heights 12 8th East Raaltor DA 8-8608 4.500 SQ. FT. stores 17 apts Exc.
loc. Inc. real, age, health carefree me. trust aeed. 39 Midvale.
AM ft-1272. nr. Duchesne, L700 ac. level land with highway fmt. 1.200 ac.
potential farmland Delta. 70.000 ac fert. aoil. well REApwr. 812419 ac Mr.
Pringle. EM 3-6781 Rm. 135. OAK HAVEN SUMMER HOME SITES 1 mile west of Homestead In state park area. $50 down.
Sales-man on property. Call DA 8-8673. eves. EL 5-0396 or IN 7-9551. BARKER AND COMPANY MOST beaut view In Utah.
Grant Youngs new Bay View Heights Kb div. in secluded Farmington its are oak brush covered. If min. from L. or Ogden by new freeway.
See them now mi. north or courthouse. For call EL 9-7410. EXCELLENT 74100 hen egg farm. Retail, whae.
Large home and rentaL Good returnl EM 4-5709. Marah DA 2-1353. SPRING TIME IS BUY TIME! SEE US ANY TIME TBe'Tady of the bouse says a crowded home is a confused home, so let us show vou this truly magnificent 3-bedroom brick, nice Layton location. Dining area. lVa baths.
I. bedroom, bath, and amus room in a full basement. Has birch cabinets and doorj, hardwood floors. This well DE LUXE DUPLEX Nr. 24th 8o.
24th E. 7 ml 3 bedrms. in 1 unit incld. a formal dm. rm.
2nd unit has imt 2 Both unit, hav, 2-car carport. Present income 2250 per mo. Aktn price 229.950. May consider trade for home. By owner.
No Menu please. IN 8-5134. OWNER MUST SELL Owner must sell two level brick home near 39th South. Brick construction. Attractive style.
Offered at $18,500, but owner says get an offer. Will consider trade of equity for smaller home. Call EM 3-2174. EM 3-7490, EM 3-1741 or EL 0-5360. SHAW, INC.
REALTOR RIVERTON 50 acres. Grade A dairy. Fully equipped. Nearly 1 mi. frontage on 2 hrd.
surface streets. 676 lb. dairy base. Lovely new brick home AM 5-0714 P-H-E-L-P-S E-A-UT-Y OLDER hom on C-3 lot nr. 33rd Highland (12,750 or offer.
Terms or trad tor Income property. EM 4-4010, DA 8-0903 B-UNIT APT. HOUSE. 1-YR -OLD APTS ALL PILLED ON LEASE BASIS EXCEL. LOC.
INCOME 2693 PER MONTH. IN 7-5969, ONLY 10 DOWN A REAL OPPORTUNITY 30 acres close In (27th South. 12th West), only $2,950 per acre All or part. Call Realty CR 8-9611 12 ACRES 40 LOTS $950 per lot 1.200 ft. frontage on Highland Dr.
2 streets and all utilities to property line. Choicest subdivision ground. AU ground high and dry. Gunderson, CR 7-4577. Agent.
Xll'. Eat Thgd South EL 9-3757 non Clay. 78V ACRE ranch, 2-bedrm. mod. home, full water right.
5 miles from church, school and atore. whiterocks, Utah, 213.000 See Donald Simmons at Todd School Roosevelt. OPEN HOUSE n55 HIGHLAND DR. Eourplex 2-bedrm. 900 sq.
ft. apts. See the model that can be built on your lot for as lew $6,000 PER APT. EM 4-5583 LOYD J. and 4-olex on tfc asphalted frontage AM 6-8673.
BUS acri. Money maker Sroperty 4' 265 r. NOW IS THE TIME BARLOW 2 DUPLEX LOTS Slde-by-iide, 8E. location. Excellent rental area.
WE WILL BUILD TO SUIT. 3,950 each. EL 6-511. CR 7-2727. Construction Realtv, Inc.
GO NORTH YOUNG MAN TO NORTH HILLSDALE (14fh N. 4th Bast In Bountiful) Find serenity and a peace of mind in one of these delightfully located 3-bedroom, full basement homes. Featured are built-in oven-range. natural wood cabinets, large wardrobe closet In every bedroom PRICED FROM Price include all street improvements HOLBROOK REALTY 535 8. Main.
Bountiful. AX 5-2335 KAMAS VALLEY of lush meadow. Kemas 3331 of to build a summer cabin on Aspen Acres in Oakley. Utah Close to Salt Lake. Low down payment E-Z terms.
Water. elec- eves. CR 7-3619 tricity. Phone IN 7-6031. 5 to 65 acres Grant Woodward S.
L. C. SITE for warehouse, wtrackage. Make offers, AX 5-3443. Biller Keeler.
348 W. 16th So.48 4x120. 88.500 Excellent location for business or warehouse. Will trade. HU 4-1490 AX 5-5581 Bountiful Realtor 1531 South Main $1,500 MO.
INCOMEI Beat wash house In town. If you don't believe me. Just give me a call. I will prov it. Tom Wilcox HU 4-7613 CR 7-3808 Ideal Realty GO NORTH YOUNG MAN TO NORTH HILLSDALE (14th 4th East in Bountiful) Find serenity and peace of mind in one of these delightfully located 3-bedroom, full basement homes.
Featured are built-in oven-range. natural wood cabinets, large wardrobe closets in every bedroom PRICED TROM Price includes all street improvements. HOLBROOK REALTY 535 S. Main Bountiful AX 5-2335 M-l 50x165 $6,800 house, track-age. 753 So Temple.
IN 6-5653 9 ACRES, located at $200 West end 3500 So. $1,800 per acre. Will take trade on home. Terms can be arranged. AM 2-1394 or CY 8-4954.
Midwest Realty 4c Finance, CY 6-3541. Full Acre Cottonwoods Level, eleared. Horses Restricted area, private lane By owner. $9.400 CR 7-1120, BEAUT. Lg.
lot in Weber Can-yon. Improvements in. CR 8 3079 ACRE on Palisades Creek, 1 mi. from Palisades Reservoir on power line. Don F.
Cook, Route 1. Rigby, Idaho. Phone SH6- 6606. 23-ACRE dairy farm. 1 or 2 homes.
West Jordan 107-acre farm, home lots ef water, Bluifdale. AM 6-2013. 44 ACRES $42,500 full price. 2076 W. North Temple IN 6-5653 BUS corner house.
2814 Main $18,500, full price. IN 6-8773. 1-YEAR-OLD DUPLEX Full base, brick, with an exceptionally lovely Iloor plan. Lang kitchen, with 2 bedrm. Lovely So.
East location. $23,900. CaU Wed Kuhn, Sun Realtor. EM 3-2895 2 S.E. LOTS Zoned R-5.
$3,750 each or trade for income property. A C. Avery. EL 5-5811. Construction Resity.
Inc. HU 6 7461 31 A let Wonted MI LOT. city, close in. Lease or sell. 5.000.
CR 7-6658 3 BEDROOM Older brick home, close to town. Large living room with fireplace. Remodeled throughout with new wiring, plumbing, etc. Fenced yard. Only $10,000.
Terms to qualified buyer. DUPLEX 4-4 tide by side, brick duplex Living moms with picture windows Eating space in kitchens Individual basements with gas furnaces. 2-car garage. 14th East location. North -of 21st South.
Owners desire immediate sale UPPER HUBBARD Beautiful 5-room shake home with cnrpetlng and drapes in living and dining rooms. Tile bath Amusement room and bar in full basement. Attached garage. Professionally landscaped yard with sprinkling ystem. Only $21,500.
HOLT-WEBBER REALTORS DA 2-1605. Sun. and eve. JN 6 9465 HU 4-2070. FARM 23 -acre 630.000 in buildings.
implements, clear take, clear home. 1 hr. drive to 8.L.C. EM WILL TRADE 2-way radio vs-tem on business prop. IN V-7777.
CASH for good lot on east tide north of 45th South. IN 7-8831 after 8. CHOICE EAST OF 3530 SO. 9TH E. 'J bnd 3 Bedroom Homes Newest Designs Ramblers and Split Levels Price $14,250 to $16,100 3-4135 HU 5-8042 Fairdough Bldg.
Corp. 2 BAY truck services building. 1872 So. 2nd West HU 5-5711. HOME AND INCOME Lower avenues.
Rental rooms fully fum. Large lot. Good setup for handv couple with time to make desired improvements. $800 dn. 8165 mo.
EM 4-4010. DA 8-0903. la ACRES (108x8001 About 6400 S. on 2200 W. Water in treet.
Adi. lot old, A ORA 93,500. Terms. Box 27, this paper. 37-Livestock for Sale 33 Reel Estate Leans, Centr.
ADD A SPECTACULAR VISTA VIEW AND your tall, cool beverages will really refresh when relaxing in the shadows of a harmonizing wooded acre. Colorful. lighted gardens enhance this brick rambler that' amazingly planned for busy schedules' Boasts elec and fias heat, air conditioning and atest built-in! EZiest terms weve found in a finer home! tor will consider your present eouity down) EL 5 5066, IN 7-7453. EL 5-9638. IN 7-4590.
EM 4 4647 TORKELSEN REALTORS 30 Property for Sale-Trade $14.000 IDEAL 3-bdrm. home In good SE. location. Attractively remodeled, spacious living room, large kitchen Mam floor utility room. New furnace, garage Terms $21.950 Excellent SE location Large 5-rm.
brick home with 4 bedrms. 2 plus amuse, rm. in beautifully finished bsmt 2 baths Out of town owner will sell on reasonable terms BADGER 457 lit So. Realtor EM 3-7831 V'T let tl AcfllUtr Liu trlviI DUPLEX BY OWNER Fine building end fum. and carpeted, 2 carports, bsmt 1947 S.
5th East HU 5-5389 after 4 weekdays, all day Sun. SPRING FEVER? down by the creek. These 4-cre Jots are Just whst you ve dreamed about All improvements in. Cash or terms. AM 5-2046.
AM 5-5154 CASH FOB YOUR HEAL ESTATE CONTRACT No red tape. Your money Immediately. Fret estimates. No obligation. Twenty Years Experience BADGER REALTY CO 457 E.
1st South EM 3-7W1 A ACRES Terms, er will trade. Choice garden ground, flowing wells, old house. Trade lor Salt Lake City home, or sell on contract. Eye. call HU 5-1155, HU 5-1310.
HU5-8182, IN 8-5949, IN 6-6477, HU 7-7835. MALLORY INV. MONTE-L ret. Morgan staUlon, at stud. Sire of champions.
Check his bloodlines. Standing at Beli-Vu Stables 11300 So. 1000 East. AM 5-1182. PERM.
reg. quarter horse. 2-yr old buckskin filly. Val B. Rich-min, E.
6300 So. Bountiful. AX 54)364. FOR sale or trade Reg. Thorough bred yearling colt by Corona Corona Real racing prospect.
Call EX 1-6678, Ogden. MURRAY IMPROVED Upper Weber Canvon lot. hard work done, concrete found septic tank, water ays id nunt Terms. 170 Vir-gmia St. EL 54996.
1,850 SQ. FT. DUPLEX New beautifuU sde by-side brick with built-in, full basement. Cont. sale.
Cal! Tom Wilcox for appt. to see. HU 4-7613, CB 7-3808. ONE of choicest lots in Mt. Olympus.
140x175. Beaut it oak and maples Cash will talk if yu want this one. CaU owner. DA 2- 0392. COTTONWOOD ESTATE This seven-room rambler cottage on over three arres of wooded land bordered by Cottonwood stream will delight you 3 2 baths, barn, pasture for horses and spring-fed pond Trades considered Wells.
CR 7-2701. INVESTORS REALTY, INC HU 7 7031 Realtors CR 7-2701 .1 1 1 a green thumb artist sun and eves. IN 6-5757, HU 4-1035 Tended this yard and it is more than obvious that each carefully Placed flower or shrub hat had loving care. The 2 bedroom, full-basement brick home has been kept In the same manner. Car-pet'iand drapes.
2-car garAge. fenced yard. Its all there to see ITS A MUST CaU Mike Hams AM 6-8235. SUN REALTORS EM 3-2695 SEE THEM TODAY GRANDEUR CHALET House 10 DUPLEXES Low down. Trades considered.
$11,500 to 427.500. So. East. HU4-1886 Jim Perry. Ideal Realty.
HU 4-7613. DO YOU HAVE AN EQUITY IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 1 Real Estate contract on which you are buying or selling, 2 Home with no mortgage. 3 Home or business property with tirrt mortgage Jwmproved property. If so we can loan up to $5,000 for 38 mos Contact Mr, Stubbs MURRAY FIRST THRIFT 34 1st South EM 3-2785 HEY, KIDS Shetland pony, good rider. Complete wsaddle and bridle.
See to appreciate. 4250 Wander Ln. SADDLE horses, all types. Sell or trade. Perm, quarter horse stud service.
Also Shetland stud. 2856 So. Redwood Rd. GRANGER AREA, Beautiful, large tri-level, 3 bedrms. up, I bedrm.
down. Fireplace, built-ins, smJly room, 1 baths, walkout basement. Oversized double garage. Trade equity for new or near new car, building iot or acant property or offer. Call CY 8-5400.
INCOME property under lease and contracts, trade for good motel anywhere. AM 6-2796. Open Daily $15,450 8080 7 HU 4-8177 Granger 3-bedroom rambler, only 2 years old. for Just $500 down, contract terms on bal-, ance A nice home in a growing' area. Call Hill.
IN 6-8384. White City Only $82 per month after a $500 down payment buys this 3-bedroom home with attached carport, carpeting. and a good start on he landscaping and fencing Also only 2 years old. Call Miessner, AM 5 2767. W.
D. HILL Realty. Inc 1532 S. State HU 6 7539 COTTONWOOD CREEK Beautiful acre lot, convenient location, all utilities. $12 000.
EL 9-6533. FINEST lot in Shadow Mountain Estates Trees, view, large size, exclusive area. $7,400. CR8-8852 after 6 p.m. FOURPLEX Bv owner New brick.
Landscaped. drapes, fully occupied. Good income. 837 E. 27th South.
IN 7-7658. 110 HOLSTEIN hetfers yearling past, vaccinated and dehorned. Alton Carson. Richmond. Utah- $3,000 CONTRACT.
4 yrs. old, home sppl. at $13,000. 1st mtg. $8,162 at $62 per mo.
Cont. payment. $77, both 6. Sell $1,100, pvt, party. HU 4-5820, IN 74711.
RICE THIS HAPPENS ONLY ONCE This lovely 2-bedroom heme with finished bedroom in full bsmt. in one of Bountiful's best residential areas. Beautifully landscaped All for only $16 950 Call Richard Turner. AM 5-2223 CONSTRUCTION REALTY, INC. Office, HU 6-7461 REALTOR DUPLEXES 2 side by side to be sold together as a 4-plex.
2 yrs. old. Carports, landscaping, fenced, disposals. Excel, rental record. Bob Boyer, HU 4-7613.
Ideal Realty. HU 5-0607. BUILDING LOT 100x100. comer lot. 3600 8 5th East.
Ideal for duplex AM 6-6364 GOOD Shetland pony and nearly new saddle. Reas. Lehi. PO 6- 3007. Shetland stud and cart harness.
6300. 1909 Creek Rd. (8000 IMMEDIATE CASH LONG-TERM CONTRACT REALTY 239 E. 8600 South AM 6-8846 31 LOTS east of Freeway. North $28,000 Eq $32,000.
Eq in Hiway. 01, com. front, for large motel or trailer ct. up to $100,000, Equities on right deal up to 500.000. Owner and agent.
DA 2-2895. A 54312, AX 5-3564 11 ACRES 27th $16,500 Murray, I Murray $13 500. 10 acres. SE Murray, $40,000. 4Mi acres.
W. EM 3-3985 894 Stat, OWN YOUR OWN APT. 2033 East 27th South Two-bedrm carport, patto. Next to shopping center. Restricted 1.000 dn balance like rent.
Complete exterior maintenance. First time in this area at these prices Come and see for your self or call Gordon Jenaen, CR 7-3771. Open 2 to 7 Sat and Sun. IDEAL REALTY EXCLUSIVE OPEN HOUSE Sat.ind across from Wal-ren Village and 7200 So Bountiful. 4 brick homes with 3 bd-rms.
baths, full basements, carport, from 815.200 to $15,975. ALLEN H. BARBER REALTOR AX 5-5925 AX 5-2329 CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? 3 bedrm rambler, attached carport, masonry constr. All ior $7,595 CN YOUR LOT COMPARE QUALITY COMPARE PRICE You can't bat a Vantage Horn VANTAGE HOMES. INC.
DA 2-0477 Mark-Greenwood DUPLEX De luxe, carpeted. Special built-ins. Part. fin. bsmt.
1 baths. Disposals. Carports. New E. loc.
Only $25 900 total contract sale Bob Boyer. HU 4-7613. Ideal Realty, HU 5-0607. BEAUT, sorrel filly and a gentle geld, horse. CY 8-732L 3566 W.
3310 So. 1 WHITE yearling mare, 1 buck? skin mare, 1 mare end 6-0259 after 6 p.m. CRjT3982 "FIVE CHOICE LOTS Ready to build on. Choice location. Make offer.
HU 4-1505, CY 6-6845. IN 7-7678. OPEN HOUSE 1519 BRYAN AVE. 2-5 PM. Only Heres cute Cape Cod "doll house 3 bedrooms, baths Newly carpeted living room and dining area.
Haymore. Realtor. EL 9-2076. WE BUY REAL ESTATE CONTRACT EQUITY PACK REALTY. EMS-3871 MR PACK, HU4-7150 IF YOU WANT MORE FOR YOUR contract equity call SPROUL before you sell SPROUL REALTY.
5 ACRES good Murray subdiv. prop. Excel, water rights. Will carry contract or trade for close-in dup. EM 44647, EL 5-5066.
Tor-kelscn Realtor. NEW LISTING Owner transferred out of town Roomy 2 bedroom home. 1 bedroom plus amusement rm. finished In basement. Carpeted living room with fireplace.
Family site kitchen, large lot located on bench and bargain priced IN 6-8711. or eves. CR 8-9172. Inland. Realtors.
BUS. corner. Uintah basin. 160 ft. frontage.
Suit, for large station, motel, drive-in. Facil. for 16-stall trailer park. Over at 5. Box 381.
Vernal. Utah BEST VIEW LOT! 110x140. improved. Only $3 650. Dave Shelby.
Realtor AM 6-3831. 2 Nice Gentle Horses For ell family use AM 6-1252. FRESH BRAHMA roping calves and dogging steer. Just arrived. 3450 So 900 W.
IH 7-7793. EL 234 E. 2nd South LARGE FAMILY EXECUTIVE $3,000 down, $200 per mo. Readv to move in with carpets, drapes. 4 bedrms 3 fireplsces, beautiful room, room for $11975 boats Buv like rent.
east Call UR BEST BUY BEST lease or buv in town. Four lg. Gravstone Apt. unit. Swim pool.
appl. All malnt. HU 4-3698, CR 8-8275. OWNER-EAST BENCH View 5 209 Evw. HU 5-9208.
LARGE, CHOICE SOUTHEAST COUNTY LOTS. Term, if de-Ired. CRT-1987, IN 7-0514 1 JENNY burro and colt, also buggy wheels, anvil. 45 W. 8600 South.
Sandy. Utah. BUNGALOW and 4-plex. Very good rental near new and good roomy units Home can be purchased separate. Foster Real Es tate.
3666 S. 9th East. AM 2-2576. OLDER fourplex. 8th E.
and 6th South, all rented. Income $240 per mo. Brand new six-plex. Best location in Granger 2 bedrooms ea. Need cash.
CR 7-1308 BEAUTIFUL HOLLADAY homes and acreage. For duplexes or good income city property. C. Earl Morgan Realty, AM 6-1 252. CHARMING brick veneer Early American in choice Holladay Orchard.
Will accept building lot, business property or late model car as part dn. paymt. CR 7-5065 BEAUTIFUL HOLLADAY homes and acreage. For duplexes or good income city property. C.
Earl Morgan Realty. AM 6-1252. 3 HIVES BEES, 910 aPeft hive IN 7-2358. 31M So. 10th East I HAVE 63,000 contract payable at $20 mo Would like to trade for small home close to town.
IN 6-5134 FIRM-LAND 8100 GI 3-Bedrm. Tri-level $12,950 Riverton-West Jordan New 3 bedroom ramblers 4 plex and bungalow. Good income. Owner transferred Will earfy contract on low down REAL ESTATE 3666 900 East rc.COMM 1379 and 1383 Major Ft. 2 homes.
Professional man's home, such delight for gracious living with a breath taking view. Mr. Steed. HU 4 9754. Reed 423 E.
21t So Realty. 1398 So. 4th East. IN 6 8469 baths. 2 kitchen famllv 4 cars or Eve, call HU 29-lncom Prpperty COIN op.
laundries. Sacrifice' 1 Owner readv to take big loss. Act today. Bob Boyer, HU 4-7613. Ideal Realty 0807 MOTEL St.
George. 20 Excel, ret. Pool, extra ground May trade. Also good motels other areas. Bob Bover.
HU 4-7613. Ideal Realty. HU 5-0607, DUPLEX-BY OWNER Newly painted, decor. Priced reasonably. Will consider trade for RE EL 9-1171.
HU 4-9864. HU 5 "BEAUTIFUL BUILDING7 lot, southeast. Cheap. AM A1252. NORTH Salt Lake Hillside Garden sub 77x152.
Best reas. offer. EL 94092. 2 SEATED surrey with fringe on ton Lik pew Also 2-wheel trailer. IN 7-0509.
QUICK rh for vour contrct. CaU day or night. IN 6-1366. CR 7-H71: daytime. HU 44324.
FAST CASH for E. cont. 65 S. Main. United Bond.
EL 9-4493. Realtor HU 4-2986 orDAJ-02M am 2 2576 TV AMANDA ACRES FOSTER DRIVE BY MARE. 13 hands, Welsh and quarter, sorrel with 4 sox. Will trade for hav. 6967 So.
13th East. 2 PERMANENT reg. quarter mares. 2 colts, sell or trade tor hav. 7564 S.
10th DA 2- NEW DUPLEX For lew than $10 ft. Buy or Build One Irving Construction. HU 4-0357 OWNER-NEW DUPLEX Beau. built-ins. choice trea, msrv.
finished. Bargain. $30.500. HU 5-9208, 2 SEASONED contricta! 1353 Marsh. Realtors.
WILL trade. New 4-level home. Carpet, fireplace, built-lns. South Bountiful for boat. car.
property. John Rich, DA 2-2425 "BEAUTIFUL BUILDING" lot, southeast. Cheap. AM 6-1252. 1-ACRE, SW.
HoUaday. 355-ft. front. New 3in. well, ctnderblock barn.
67,500. AM 94775 VIEW LOTS Eiirt Mfllcreek. 3,650 to 4.150. Only 8 left. Call EL 8-3482.
WE BUY real estate Gaddis Inv. 337 Main. EM 4-3505 NEW-HIGHLAND PARK This" the inert refintshed home we have wen. Kit. has I ed.
New drapea, full with walk-out patio, dble garage. landsc and fenced Only gift, 500. EL 5-4991 HU 4-5805 FLoyd H. Black, Realtor HU 6-7281 built-ins, new tile bath, floor refinished. 16x25 amusement new fireplace.
Owner must sell Call Btoomquist ReaJtv. AM 6-eves. CR 7-9332 and AM 2-1624 2050 ALDO CIRCLE It's better than new. 3-bedroom. 2 baths, is vacant for your occupancy, landscaped and fenced Just move In and live trades considered.
Call HU 4-3409 or HU 4-8501. BUFFO REALTY. SM feeder calves, also 1 Jersey' and 1 Holstein dairy heifer. 5492 So. StateJ CASH FOR HOMES Mr.
Black REALTOR. HU 6-7281. HEBER VALLEY DAIRY Best meadows, grade A setup. C. Earl Morgan Realty, AM 6-1252 BEL AIR.
24.000 milt Chevy. Fully equip New whitewalls on southeast home. HU 5-3733 or EM 4-5709 BRAND-NEW brick 4-plex being completed soon. But direct from builder. Save.
Lots of closets, etc. Look, only 928.500. CR 7-0189. 328 E. Lamboumc (3155 South).
4-PLEX De luxe one-level units. Priced below cost. Excel, return on investment. Bob Boyer, HU 4-7613. Ideal Realty, HU 5-0807.
34 Reel Estate Wonted Sorrel, quarter tvpq. fillie. 4 white eox. 6175 Will trade for Bally calves. CR T-3982.
EAST BENCH New side-by-side duplex by owner. Over ful view. ,000 sq ft. HU 4-9574. A.KC.
reg. toy poodles. 1 gilver, 1 apricot. FemAles 1100 each. 1163 E.
820 North. Provo. $14,300 $500 DOWN By owner 2'4 yrs. old. 3 bedrms.
I baths, lge living built-in, disp. laundrv rm lge. closets, -w. carpets, drapes, planter, landsc fenced, patio, 0b). carport.
6230 S. 440 East. AM 2 1352 LARGE WOODED LOTS on Wander Lane ln Holiday. Only 6 left. Call EL 8-1482.
2-LEVEL lot, has personality, about 18th E. 37th So. Need Mil prior Jfiay 8th. EM 3-0298. MT.
OLYMPUS Beaut, view lot. 178 ft. front. Big discount for cash. CaU owner DA 2-0392 IF vou can pay $2,000 down and $150 per you may purchase one of the most beautiful homes SefcuTSSikV.
S80 IDEAL REALTY ATTENTION BINGHASTpEOPLE Adorable Midvale brk With dining room, two bedrooms, lovely carpeting and drapes plus two bedrooms full bsmt. Double garage, fenced. Onlv $15 950. Mav also trade. Call Allen.
EM or Johnson. IN 6-8095 8un Realty EM 3-2695 BEAUT, new home Just oompleted in; Farmington 3 Ise. bedrms Adequate living space. Beaut, bsmt. with natural cut-rock, fireplace and walls.
Most wonderful view In Utah mis. north of courthouse. For appt, call EL 6-RM. duplex. Auto heat close in.
3 bedrms. Gross income $680 yr. Will consider oriental or colored. $11,000 R. E.
Co. EM 3-6893. HU 44859. 1V ACRES near new Fontainbleu Club. Fruit trees, small horse barn.
1 share Tanner Ditch water. CR 7-3113. 3 males, CASH EOR YOUR REAL ESTATE CONTRACT Na rod Up Your money Immediately. Free estimates. No obligation.
lerienca igation. Twenty Year Experient TOY Pomeranians, female. EL 94925. total. 2 Yrs.
old. E. Brick. $2,250 dn. Bob Boyer.
HU 4-7613. Ideal Realty HU CUTE healthy Pekingese males. $35. EL 9-2480. Vacant By Owner BADGER REALTY CO 457 E.
1st South EM. 60x158. SANDY. aU utilities. Only 1.795, (100 down.
50 mo. ave Shelby Realtor AM 5 3831 DUPLEX 41.500 down. Completely furnished. Income $160. Payments $120.
Jim Glavas. AM 6-3474. Ideal Realty. HU 4-7613. 3-7631 SELL or trade equity ln 4-bed rm.
house in Idaho Falls, for house or duplex ln Silt Lake Valley. HU 6-8065. COIN op. laundriesTl have three good operations that will consider trades. Bob Bover, HU 4-7613.
Ideal Realty, HU 5-0807. REDUCED to sell Nice university district triplex. All offer con sidered. Call DA 2-0357 Hampton Realty EM 4-6751 6-UNIT garden-type apt. Tenant pay all utilities Excellent location.
$20,000 required. No agents. Owner. IN 7-9141. A C.
SILVER toy Pek. Malev-9 weeks. 3195 8. 10th E. ID like a good pasture for 2 horses.
EL 5-7730. 7 JOHN A. Nak Co. Professional water well drilling. HU 5-1452.
1224 WEST 10th NORTH Tridevei, 3 bedrms. 2 full baths, elec kitchen, lin. walk-out bsmt good carpet, landscaped, fenced. Call IN 7-5520. AM 6-7832.
BY OWNER Glendale Park srea. 3-bed rm. brick home, attach, gar. landscaped. fenced, storm doors, awnings.
low down payment Will sell I. loan. $13,500. HU 5-5767. 1257 Mission Rd.
LOT suitable for duplex. 62 V4 ft by 142. 280 East 3600 South, Salt Lake. AX -5963. TO SETTLE ESTATE Reduced to gell.
West side duplex. $6,500. SeU on contract. Posaession today. JjU 4-1403, EL 5-1164.
LAND WANTED LOW PRICED ANY LOCATION by California buyer and broker. Give descrip tion. best price and terma -R. C. HAGEN.
PO. Box 621. Ar-cadia, California LOTS FOR SALE EM 3-2148. 1109 So. 10th Weft.
AMERICAN aadler gelding. oalK mino. well trained. CR 8-8860. NEW brk.
dup. 8 rms. incld. 2 units started. $18,500 1034rd Midvale.
AM 5-5721. MEAT packing plant, Afton, Wyoming. Owner will consider all trades. B8 Boyer. HU 4-7613.
Ideal Realtv. HU 6-0807. HOME PLUS INCOME Elegant, new, w.w. carpeting Close to U. Separate apts.
2 baths EM 3-3145. $13,500 HERMES DRIVE 70x120 lot. In lovely community CR 8-8534. COWS 3 REG. JERSEYS, 3 HOL-STEINS.
AX 5-0530, DOLL HOUSE ONLY $8 500 First time offered, Nice So East area. 4-room carpeted. Full bsnit. Gas heat, garage. Hurry Small equity.
5-plex. Excel. $4,800 INCOME. Easy cond. EL 9-2401.
Easy terms Ave. ASSUME A'h Gl BY OWNER Lge. lVk briett. newly painted In fine area for kid, 19.000. CR t-7005.
1791 So. Moor Dr. See anytime EAST M1LLCREEK 3 lota. terma. HU 4-3900.
NEW 3-bed. Baa. Choice So E. location. Dan, CR 7-2946.
Ideal Realty. HU 4-7613. Your best buy. BALLY HEIFER FOR SALE. AM 9-3144 New 5-rm.
brick. Full bsmt Birch doors and cabinets 1 block to school, church, bus. 611 Pueblo St. (1440 W.L $700 dn. Bal.
FHA. Can builder. Mr Nowell, HU 5 1161 or EL 9-1206. WANT to buy rest, priced older homer needing cleening or repairs. No agents.
EL 9-6379. WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE your property for lots cah. BOB Badertscher. PA 2-0870 CASH HOMES Mr Black REALTOR.
HU 6-728L tHfs- Call Dorothy Johnson. 6-8095. Sun Realtv. EM 3-2695 10 ACRES choice aubdlvtslon land By owner. Granger.
CY 8-0683. IN ilUILDm vour lot. 2-bedrm. mut-trie units. $5 990 3-bedrm.
tn-level, $9,989. HU 5-1351 40 ACRE potato farm 2 ml. from Rigby. Idaho. Sale er trade.
Call CY 8-8872 CUSTOM HORSF SHOEING IN 7-0881 YOUNG goat. $5 ewes with lamb. glS pair. AM 6-4347. 4-PLEX.
Owner moved to Midwest. Needs to sell. Orig. listing 647,500 Your offer considered. HU4-6003.
FURNISHED TRI-PLBX. Sacrifice equity, 61.500. You assume con-tract. 1057 So.9thE 982. SANDY By owner.
BesuthomeT brk. dup. lge. lot. excel, income.
EM 4-7436. Bargain. INDIAN 4x192. HU 4-8884. 8 LGE.
aoutheart lot, 8,800 EM 4-6709. Marah.DA 2-1353, Apartment lot with view, 1 blk. from Capitol Will support 23 unit. TURN contracts and equities into cash, ALJA. HU 4-6189.
BEST IN GRANGER Fiberglass Insulated brick walls. 2-bath. Make offer on dn. payment. CaU Gordon Jejojen, CR 7-3771.
Ideal Realty, HU 4-7613. TERRIFIC. Invert oppor. Owner Beaut farm, nice home Sell. trade all.
part AM 6-8100 WTLLtrade White Cltv aplffW CHOICE comer tlex M. Near for larger home. 4 bedrml. or SO.lNe-tioo. more.
AM 8-8464. tot. Granger. are. 835 equl- HORSE LOVERS Green thumbs over 1 lrg.
family home, carpets, drapes, coops Water. MURRAY choice, close in. drapes, corner lot. 3 baths. Craw-ford Realtors, 5558 S.
State SL AM 6-5831. feY OWNER bedrms 1. TV rm, fenced yard, dranes. car-pet. 1520 E.
4130 So. CR 7-4032 4-PLEX in Provo, fully rented, newly painted, fenced yd. Harold Dodge. 1845 W. 1460 Provo.
ZONED FOR HORSES Lovely home with 2-car garage 14 of ground. Also lMi shares of irrigtion water. Onlv CaU Fred Kahn. IN 7- Futy ftfoltont EM 3-2695 BY BUILDER, 3 baths. 21 ft.
living rm Lrge. kit, with built-ins Dinette, patio, full dble gar 822.500 2133 Wilmott Dr, (3580 So.) CR 8-8196. CASH for home or contract! DA 2-1353. Marah. Realtora PVT party will buy SL area orop.P.O.
Box 15044. So. SL.C. CONTRACTS' plua cash for city property. EM 3-9288 EL 9-8042.
Make offer. AM 2-092fl. 1 SOLD. 2 ft 4-olex! For a real deal hurry and call Tom Wilcox. HU 4-7613.
Ideal Realty TWO dup. 5th Ave. "813,950, $16 950. Terms. Owner.
Hu 5-1231. 2 S-x-S duplexes will take ty. FOURPLEX by owner. 6350 mo. income.
4 spec. yard. 635,500. Make offer. EM 4-6264.
boat pr anything for eouity. South I BEAUT. Holladay lot 109ft. front. East loc.
Anxious. CaU IN 7-4570. 1 4365WanderLane. IN.7-6469. GOOD ewe and 2 fat lamba 1045 ESOOSo.
FRESH milk goat, nannv kida- alao rabbits. 8051So. State. it fillv. Broken.
AM 5-' 0558.147 W. 10800 South. PLEASURE-horse, sorrel, gentle. 8766 s- 3rd East. AM 8-8173.
WOOL Cnllister nrlcea. 3815 S. Redwood Rd. AM 2151. BULLDOGGING STEERS.
SeU cheap. CR 7-3148. CUSTOM slaughtering under statg insp. Locker meats. AM 94606.
TRADE LANDSCAPING FOR GD. RIDING HORSE. IN 7-6464, OWNER Bountiful. Nice older furnished 4-plex. Monthly income 6265.
AX 54127. $2,000 EQUITY in small home. CHOICE duplex lot. Heart ef Hot Billee KesJer. AX 5-3443.
For ladav. CR 6-0306 Pv OWNER 3-rm and gar. on W. side 1218 W. 9th So.
Inquire at 846 W. 5th So. EL 5-9026. MUST sell 6-plex near 11th East, 1st South. Trade.
EL 9-2635. 37-livestock for Sale 730 SO. 12TH WEST Brick 2-bedrms. up. 2 dn din, rm Cyclone fence Covered patio, Well built.
$1,100 dn $13,300 FHA commitment. Vacant. Open by request. Owner. IN 6 3206 SPACIOUS'WALL' PATIO 3-BEDfcM.
HOME. 1H ftrepl.a lie. liv. jm. fenced and landscaped yard.
By owner. 1222 E. 3670 South. CR 7-1708. gii.soo -OPEN DUPLEX WST'Eart nd South.
1 till 8-1'. mom, with private batha Newly rgiovatrd. Let have an offer. IN 7535. "Duplex and Home" For email farm.
Lota C. Earl Morgan Realty. AM 8-1252. SQ. FT.
rgrtch rmbler. 1'4 gcreg. Good contract ale. Willie Lumpkin righta. CR 7-1U9.
Excel, lrrlg. Ideal Realty. saddlar galding $150, IN 7-7034. COTTONWOOD MEADOWS 3-bedrm. brick.
4 yr. old, baths, GE ouUt-fn kitchen, disposal, carport. Widow needs to sell. Agent, AM 6-2520. new Listing bountiful up.
1 down. IS bath, garage. 14 0. DESERET. AX 5- 8521.
AX 5-3364. .000 SQ. FT. ranch rambler. 1 Vi cre.Good terma, contract aale.
ExbeU lrrlg. rights. CR 4-111. Ideal Cattle RANCH 485 acrea. aU Irrigated.
Part ln paeture. rert being planted. Croae fenced. AM Realty. DA 8-8885.
35.000 WILL BUY11 acres, home Srade A bams Ideal location for a trv parlor. Also long-time lease on more acreage. AM -3083. WANTED sheep to shear farm flocks. AX5J433.
Iay5: 881 WES' 7 BEAUT. Landracs weaner pig. 5810 So. 1300 West. WEANER pigs.
(IS. AM 2-1286. 2750 W. 8400 South, Murray. $40,000 4-PLEX.
Avenue near town. $2,000 down, or take your eouity on home near univ. For so little down you can live free end watch other make your pay-ments. FL 9-1283 ACRE choice garden, fruit trees. 2-bedrm.
barn, pu JH44im bedrm. home, excel, coop, barn, pump House. 9.000. 3rd E. EAST MILLCREFK 824 Eaat 3335 20.000 landscaped, fenced, aorinkter Patto.
2 -car ga HU 4-4782 I ASSUME 4'V4 G.I. loan on 1.800 q. ft. home. Carpeted.
draped. ftrentacea, low mo pymnt. 1490 E. 8425 So. 4 INT.
loan. IMi bath, fully carpeted. 1W -2nd West. Bountiful. EM 3-9918 or CY 8-5873.
I ASH for your equity. Call Bryant Bv Lee and REG. Anaua 2 choice service age. bulls. Owen Buell.
Hcber. SjfAUTIFUL Am. saddler of three. AM 5 2313. 800 HEAD of and thftt lambs.
Phone 1788. Tooele. Utah. thoroughbred stud colQ 200 Not broken. AM 9 32-3.
Gl 3 bedrms. full brk. Small equity. Assume A. loan 435 W.
850 Btfl. AX 94851. CONTEMPORARY BY OWNER 1.443 so. ft. 3 bdrmi 1 bathi.
bsmt. View, Ooen daily. 3192 E. 3800 South. CR 7-6363.
Beautiful S-rm. brick with bsmt. 327 Vine St. Settle estate. AM 8-4342.
Browning 32 ACRES WaMtch ountama Park. R.FJ2. DeCarlo PASTURE for 400 dry sheep. May to Oct 1. CR 7-7848 after 6 pm OWNER trading up Fenced.
bedrm. Poo. Grove, $64 mo. EL a-7002. Marsh.
DA 2-1353, WANTED 1 set of Pony harness. DA 2-4539 1 GOOD riding horie and horse' 1 trailer. See at 1330 E. 4800 So. Jensen, Ideal Realty, HU 9-1005, I JBU 4-7613.
FBDRM. S.E. Low dn. Real picea Contract sale, HU 6-0544 Realty JOHN A. Nak Co.
Professional water weU drilling. HU 6-1452. BRICK home 7 rooms. 654 Arapa hoe Ave, rr.