The Urbana Daily Citizen from Urbana, Ohio (2024)

a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a URBANA DAILY CITIZEN, Ten Children's Home Boys Seek Scrap Four boys from the Champaign County Children's Home rest after loading truck with scrap paper and metal in a raising project for camp outing or a week at Indian Lake. From left to right they are Ronald Copas, Donald Cox, Charles Leopard and Philip Mowdy. Scraps were collected from White's, BarnhartGood, Trenor's, Rex Ponn and the Marathon station. One-hundred and fifty dollars is the goal of this two-week drive and the boys have already raised $50 toward the vacation. -(CITIZEN PHOTO) Mrs.

Alice Berry, 85, Dies In St. Paris Home Mrs. Alice Berry, 85, who lived alone, died during the night in her St. Paris residence. She had been under a doctor's care for sometime.

She was the widow of Joseph Berry who died in 1954. Surviving are two sons, Milo Springfield and Dr. C. F. Berry Berry of 223 Superior street, Rossford, Ohio; and a sister, Mrs.

Effie Robbins of St. Paris. The body was removed to the Baker funeral home in St. Paris where funeral arrangements are being completed. Louden Services Saturday Changed From 2 to 1 P.M.

NORTH LEWISBURG for Maurice 1 Louden, a North 1 Lewisburg native who was found dead in Seattle, Washington, June 8, have been changed from 2 p.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Freshwater funeral home. Louden's body arrived by plane at Columbus airport this morning and was removed to the funeral home. YOUTH CENTER YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR QUALITY BRAND NAME CHILDREN'S CLOTHING CATALINA Swim Suits and Trunks CARTERS Underwear NITEY NITE Sleepwear TRIMFIT Sox and Anklets BILLY THE KID Jeans PLAYMORE KNITS Sportswear KORDELL Sportswear JACK TAR Boyswear PICKWICK Jackets HEALTH TEX Knits Sets PERFECT KNIT Togs CINDERELLA Dresses NANETTE Dresses POLLY FLINDERS Hand smocked dresses TINY TOWN Dresses BIG TOP Shirts STURDY BOY Shirts MANY, MANY MORE.

NEXT TO THE PERPETUAL SAVINGS LOAN YOUTH CENTER. YOUR BRAND NAME STORE FOR CHILDREN'S APPAREL Mrs. FitzGibbons Found Dead In Her Plain City Home Mrs. Miriam Jean FitzGibbons, 44, a native of Mechanicsburg, was found dead in her Plain City home shortly before midnight last night. Cause of death has not yet been determined.

The was discovered dead in her bathroom by her ten-yearold daughter, Patsy. Born in Mechanicsburg March 13, 1913, Mrs. was a graduate of Mechanicsburg high school and attended Wittenberg College. She served as an organist at Mechanicsburg Methodist Church before moving to Plain City five years ago. She was a Worthy Matron of chapter, OES, and a past president of the Junior Woman's Tourist Club, both Mechanicsburg organizations.

She was a member of the Plain Methodist Church and workCity ed in the office, of Dr. B. E. Ingmire of town. A daughter of E.

L. and the late Lizzie Fox Byers, she is survived by her father, a Mechanicsburg resident; her daughter and a sister, Mrs. Marjorie Landaker of Mechanicsburg. The body was removed to Davis-Byers funeral home, Mechanicsburg, where services will be held at 2 p. m.

Saturday. Burial will be made in Maple Grove cemetery. Mrs. Daisy Craig, 60, Dies In Daughter's Home Wednesday Night NORTH LEWISBURG Services will be held at 3:30 p. m.

Saturday afternoon at the Freshwater funeral home, North Lewisburg, for Mrs. Daisy Craig, 60, who died at 7 p. m. Wednesday night. Mrs.

Craig died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson of 250 Dewey avenue, Urbana. Death was attributed to a heart condition. Born January 10, 1887, she was a daughter of Jacob and Martha Santmyer Warner. Her husband, Bruce, died in 1947.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Johnson of Urbana and Mrs. Marjorie Coons of Bellefontaine; two step-daughters, Mrs. Ethel Hooker of Columbus and Alice Beeson of Amanda; three sisters, Mrs. Sally Warner of Columbus, Mrs.

Mary Yoder of North Lewisburg and Mrs. Pauline Boyd of West Liberty route one; three brothers, Virgil and Melvin of Columbus and Herman Warner of Marion; and seven grandchildren. Burial will be made in Maple Grove cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home. Last Rites Held Today For Mrs.

Minnie Huston Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Huston of Marion were conducted today at 2:30 p.m. at the Kingscreek Baptist and burial followed in Kingscreek cemetery. Pallbearers were friends from Marion. Mrs.

Huston died at 10:50 a.m. Monday in Marion. Survivors include a sister-in-law, Mrs. Bertie Zimmerman; a brother in law, Grover Huston, both of Urbana; and another sister-in-law in St. Paris, Mrs.

Melvin Bedell. Births Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crabtree, 539 Scioto street, a.m. today, Mercy 'Memorial hospital, seven pounds, eight ounces.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brashear of near Stuttgart, Germany, a daughter, Debbie Ann, today, June 13. Mrs. Brashear is the former Miss Ann Murphey, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert C. Murphey of 325 West Reynolds street. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.

William Brashear of Essex road, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Brashear are residing in Germany while he is stationed there with the 7th Army Headquarters. Seven Bonds Forfeited In Municipal Court Tuesday Seven bonds were forfeited in municipal court on Tuesday, June 11.

They were: William Ewing, North Lewisburg, careless operation charge, $10 bond; Herbert C. Griffith, Urbana, $15 bond for intoxication; Carl Nichols, Urbana, $15 bond for intoxication; Herman S. Thompson, West Liberty route one, $10 bond forfeiture for charge of insufficient brakes; Joan E. Wright, Springfield, forfeited $25 bond for charge of driving without operator's license; John L. Wright, Springfield, $25 bond forfeited for permitting unlicensed operator to operate vehiccle; and Paul S.

Carter, Springfield, $10 bond forfeited, unsafe passing charge. Martin Branham of 130 East Church street pleaded not guilty to charges of having insufficient funds Judge Grace Heck set his bond at $500 for trial apperance June 14. He was arrested June 8. Dale Wilson of 1013 Miami street pleaded guilty to charges of intoxication. However, his fine was suspended and he was released.

He was arrested on June 10. Lancaster B. Broadus of 201 West Water street was fined $25 and costs in municipal court on Tuesday sfter pleading guilty to the charge of driving without an operator's license. DRAFT BOARD OPEN A. L.

Stratton has returned from Columbus and the Selective Service office in the Urbana post office is again open. Stratton attended 8 two-day clerk conference held in Columbus this week. Welcome to the city was given by Governor C. William O'Neill. There were visits to Fort Hayes and the general supply depot.

MUFFLER ARREST Norman W. Ropp of 436 Boyce street, posted a $10 bond for his appearance in municipal court on June 14, following his arrest at 6:48 p. m. Wednesday on the charge of excessive noise. Hospital Notes.

Admitted Mercy Memorial Hospital Mrs. Ronald Chrisman, West Church street, medical, Wednesday. Robert Holden, 410 First street, New Lexington, Ohio, tonsilectomy, Wednesday. John Edward and Larry Eugene Shaffer, West Liberty rout one, tonsilectomies, Wednesday. Mrs.

Ernest Vulgamore, St. Paris route two, surgery, Wednesday. Dismissed Mercy Memorial Hospital Nancy Laughman, Urbana route four, Wednesday, Clifford Ropp, 450 Boyce street, Wednesday. James Watson, Mechanicsburg route one, Wednesday. Mrs.

Paul Harris and son, 578 East Water street, Wednesday. Robert Huffman, North Lewisburg, Wednesday. Kenneth Baumgardner, 493 East Water street, Wednesday. Mrs. Milo Gilbert, North Lewisburg, Wednesday.

Lodge Notices Annual convocation of Urbana Chapter No. 34, R.A.M., at 7:30 p.m.Monday. Regular business, elections and installations for coming year. All companions urged to attend. Visitors welcomed.

L. Fred Booze, H. P. A. L.

Stratton, Sec'y Regular meeting of the Strawther-Robinson auxiliary No. 203, American Legion, at 8 p.m. Friday in the hall on East Market street. Vivian Roberts, president Veda Brown, sec'y Markets CHICAGO (INS)-Livestock: Hogs Salable about steady. Early top 2065; bulk 1675- 2025; heavy 15-1950; medium 1975- 2050; light 1850-2065; light lights 1675-1950; packing sows 1475-18; pigs 1450-1650.

Cattle Salable steady. calves salable 200; choice and prime steers 2450-2775; common and choice 1750-2525; yearlings 1750-27; heifers 15-2525; cows 11- feeder steers 17-25; stocker steers 16-2350; stocker cows and heifers 1450-21. Sheep Salable weak. Choice and prime spring lambs 2325-25; common and choice 12-23; yearlings 11-20; ewes 5-7. FATHERS A SPECIAL DAY FOR A SPECIAL PERSONA FREEMAN SHOE.

A SPECIAL GIFT DAY WONDERFUL FEELING FREEMAN. TRY A PAIR. YOU'LL WONDER WHY YOU WAITED THIS LONG. only $1395 Brown or Black Sizes. 6 to 12 Widths to EEE MANY OTHER STYLES TO CHOOSE Scientific Fitting, Friendly Service KEEHN REED HANNA MONUMENT SQUARE Thursday, June 13, 1957 URBANA, OHIO Dad Pleasing DAY DADS at Purse Plensing Prices He'll say you shouldn't have done it but do it anyway! Give Dad something wonderful for Father's Day a perfect present chosen from our vast selection of POP-ular gifts for men.

We've gifts as masculine as a pipe and as necessary as a razor gifts of pleasure, comfort and sport. Every one is a Dad-pleasing present at a purse-pleasing price. Copr. Advertisers Exthange Inc. 19.57 YELLO BOLE CIGARETTES LEATHER BRIAR PIPES ALL WALLETS POPULAR Amity other BRANDS A Famous Makes $1.00 CIGARS to $10.00 $2.02 ALL POPULAR to $2.50 CARTON (BRANDS KEEP DAD COOL With A FATHER'S GILLETTE 10-inch Oscillating DAY CARDS 36 SUPER SPEED ELECTRIC FAN From 10c 10 RAZOR BLADES $1 ROGERS MENNEN'S $10.95 Tobacco $3.50 Skin Bracer 598 Regular $29.50 SCHICK ELECTRIC 25 Pen Paper with Mate Refill $195 ZIPPO Windproof Lighter $350 Piggy-Back SHAVER For Limited Time Lavender YARDLEY $110 SPORTSMAN $175 $18.75 Shaving Lotion SPICE Shaving Lotion Men's Cologne Electric OLD $100 Remington "SHAVER $3150 1 Gallon RONSON Ever-Ready Thermic Jug SHAVER Shaving With Pouring Brushes Spout With 9250 $2.98 Case 69c $10 a Fine for Dad's Fishing Trips RONSON PRINCE ALBERT TIMEX WRIST SOM GLASSES 1-Lb.

LIGHTER Tobacco WATCH Always POLAROID Can Shockproof Waterproof Lights Fathora. Day AID $1095 Dustproof to $3.95 $10. With Case 998 PRINGE ALBERT 86 Practical Gift make it a very special HANDI-DUO Father's Day for SUNDAY, All- -Plastic Kits JUNE 1 16 Home or Travel HIS Russell Stever CANDIES Russell, YOURS HIS ALONE The prescription your doctor writes is your personal property and it is your privilege to obtain the prescribed medicine from pharmacy of your own choosing. We honestly believe that when packaged After you entrust your prescriptions to RICHLY Lotion Cologne us, you enjoy definite advantages Deodorant in Burgundy plastic al among skill and which are experience, our professionbottles in a crystal taking care, our full stocks of cleat painsplastic snap case. quality drugs and our modern fastener laboratory all of which $2.25 plus tax tribute to the promptness of our compounding service.

'HIS' HANDI-TRIO-3-piece ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Creams, nuts, set with After Shave Lotion, fruits, caramels, nougats, crunches. Talcum and Cologne $3.25 plus Deodor- tax WE DELIVER! ant HOME FASHIONED FAVORITES pecan rolls, butter bons, fudges, jellies. No chocolate covered pieces. RANDOLPH PAYNE of 611 Hagenbush will come into If Friday or Saturday, we will give him a our store anytime either assortment box of RUSSELL STOVER'S CHOCOLATES FREE! pound only $1.35 1 1b. box $2.60 2 lb.


The Urbana Daily Citizen from Urbana, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.