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Free Trial
A Publisher Extra® Newspaper
- Publication:
- Times Record Newsi
- Location:
- Wichita Falls, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 14
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were married Nov 22 1880 at the Brown County ranch home of the parents Mr and Mrs Shore of Brownwood observed their 71st wedding anniversary today They Together 71 Years BROWNWOOD Texas Nov 22 WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS WICHITA PALLS TEXAS Rags 14 Frl Nov 23 1951 Dope Inquiry To Reach Homes (Continued From Fife One) the users would be found to be 10 or 12 at the most" After taking statements dur the day investigators however Disc Jockey Slays Self While on Air ODESSA Texas Nov 22 (JV-1 Tom Edwards 27 chief announcer for Radio Station KOSA wns ahot to death today while handling a disc jockey program Justice of the Peace Thomas Murphy returned a verdict of uicide Mrs Louise Mims an employee found the body in the broadcast- ing studio at 8:05 a A 33 cali- I her pistol lay near the body and he had been shot one time through the right temple Edwards was the only announcer on duty when the shooting occurred John Guffey con-' tinuity director was at home lis-: toning to the radio He said he 1 noticed the announcer didn't come on as scheduled and rushed to the studio where he took over the announcing duties Police said Edwards purchased the gun yesterday and the shoot- Ing occurred shortly after he had been on the air Jl'VEMLE NAMES OMITTED I'nder Texas law a boy ran not be chanced with a felony crime until he Is 17 years old A girl esn not be charged until she Is IS I'ntil they rrarh those ages they rome under the care of a Juvenile court the records of which are not open to publie This Is for the protection of the child who has not reached the age of felony The Keeord News does not use the names of juveniles In crime stories only the names of those old enough to be charged with felony In the narcotic stories appearing in this paper only the names of those above juvenile age were used The social or economic status of the youths is not a factor in the use or omission of names Nearly all papers in the I'nited States have the same policy of protecting the Identity of children under felony age News Staff Photo DOG-TIRED Slumping against filing cabinets in the district attorney's office three dog-tired city detectives take the weight off their overworked feet after weeks of intensive work tracking down information on marijuana traffic here They are left to right Detectives (Cotton) Malone A (Doc) Nelson and II Swadley Their working partner Detective 0 (Moon) Mullins is not shown The four men along with Texas Rangers and liquor control board men assisted the district attorney's staff in the investigation from the start four weeks ago Roger Moore 45 Negro Salvadore Rodriguez 29 and Benito Rangel alias "the Shark" 22 Alo held are the three men picked up early Thursday morning Mendez Ramos and the yet uncharged Latin-American Although some marijuana wai pulled in by the raids cache of around $25000 worth was amassed by the young undercover man with marked money during his two of work Questioning of students and adults will continue Friday and uaa long as it takes us to clear this whole thing up" Haley said Thursday night State Teachers Open Houston Convention HOUSTON Nov 22 (JV) Thousands of Texas teachers gathered here today for the 73rd annual convention of the Texas State Teachers Association and scores of related meetings A panel discussion tonight comprised most of the first general session Another general session tomorrow night and the house of delegates' session Saturday morning farm the general program New officers already decided by mail ballot will be announced at the final session Dr Mortimer Brown of El Paso association president said "everything's going fine" and said he hoped for harmony during the meeting Bulk of the meetings will be the specialties of the sections on reading arithmetic English and problems of teaching declined to set any number The drug has infiltrated the school for months" they indicated An Easy Ilablt Commenting late Thursday on his work at the high school the 23-year-old undercover man who posed as a student for two weeks in order to flush up the marijuana said only few cigarets can make an addict" The knowledge that it was harboring the biggest narcotic ring ever found in North or West Texas hit Wichitans late Wednesday when city officers and Rangers in a raid directed by Haley and Ranger Geer and planned by the undercover agent swooped down upon houses and home here Armed with warrants they arrested six adults and four high echoed students two of whom were minors and not charged The others charged with conspiracy possession and sale of marijuana and now held in jails here at Vernon and Archer City include: Alfredo Ramos 17 sophom*ore student at the high school Fred Navarette IB junior student Raul (Rudy) Villalobos 23 parolee from Son Quentin on a marijuana conviction and brother of Ramos Johnnie Johnson Jr 26 Negro Gussie Green 34 Negro woman 'Weedhead' Got What He Was After rmttnMMSTt Jury Will Decide Fate of Cook Today EL CENTRO Calif Nov 22 (P) A jury will decide tomorrow whether 23-year-old William Cook of Joplin Mo was Insane last winter when he kidnaped nine persons and killed six of them Testimony was completed yesterday but the jury was excused over the Thanksgiving holiday Final arguments and court instructions will be given tomorrow morning $CAS0N OPENS Ton Can Save Money on Many Basketball Items at The Fair So Shop The Fair Before You Buy GetQualltyjtPrtrei BASKETBALL TRUNKS quickI SomS? ffKIiv raEtf frM cough like doctsf't pmcriptiofe Sahi-faetta or your ony bock school much less Wichita Falls I spent so much time in (O T) Freeman's Office that he wai sick of looking at "Weedhead" made passes at indignant teachers and was described as definite juvenile by more than one instructor It was what he wanted Within two days he was "on the in" with the students he was trying to peg he was down in the section of town where the marijuana was being moved Days he spent making trouble at school Nights were devoted to moving from ace "joint" to the other "I lived in the flats drinking beer making like I was taking a jit-terbugging with Negro girls and I never was as humiliated in my life as the night I got pitched out of the worst dive in Wichita Falls" The agent grinned when he said "humiliated" It again was what he wanted He was accepted as being one of the boys" a contact man in the know He had wormed his way into the confidence of the marijuana retailers He was going to Fort Worth with them for their hauls The dive the only place "Weedhead" was bounced from Several Wichita Falls hotels and cafes showed him the door "I ate so much greasy junk last week that I was oiled Only places that would have me were the wont greeee buckets just call me the "Tamale All during this time the agent was making nightly unobserved visits to Ranger Geer and District Attorney Haley He was hauling in sack after sack of marijuana he had bought with marked money the total by the time officers cracked COUCH DUl 40 (019) Gleaming Tackle Twill Matching SIS Stripe PaASee Htpe Beltei with Barbie Colon of Black Purple Maroon Moral Bloc Srnrlet end Green GREEN MOUNTAIN COUGH SYRUP BASKETBALL SHOES 9 Heavy DovMo Section-Cap Saloe 9 Heavy Slock Docb-wMtt Mm Heavy Cushion-Sole White Sweat Sox 50c 1 pr $139 down on the ring Wednesday had risen to $25000 worth drove a flashy car (furnished by a wealthy oilman from another county) and flashed money" he explained was a big shot and I was Officers here also think he is in one of the toughest and most dangerous rackets a young man can pick for a lifetime career Unqualified admiration for his skill his accomplishments are now coming from city officers who until Wednesday were the bane of "Weedhead's" life spent part of my time dodging those harness-bulls who were trying to slap me in the clink" His flippant language his pulverizing of the English language (to the satisfaction of any thug that comes along) ia the agent's sixth language He is actually fluent at four foreign languages in addition to English Just torts pick What else he has just "sorta picked is just as startling At 23 the young agent has collected one college degree and is now completing work on a degree He has behind him four years in the Marine Corps where he did intelligence work and where he collected numer-out citations In his short life he has worked in every state In the nation except two and in Hawaii Japan and Alaska to boot He is a master at knifethrowing and at jujitsu For doubters: He is the genuine article an extremely intelligent young man who at the age of seven wu pointed toward his career when his father was slain by narcotics peddiers Tracing the dnig is his vocation He came to Wichita Falls with only one guarantee his expenses would be paid He has been receiving only his regular salary (described as "very by his employers Why then did he come here? "Wichita Falls is a nice city" he explained Thursday night has an excellent school and a nice bunch of kids in it Anything I can do to keep tt that way is little enough "Nothing Is more tragic to me than to see schools infested with the rot of narcotics If you keep the dope traffic cleaned up the other crime problems will diminish A narcotic addict will steal do anything for a The stuff has got to be routed out of the schools and I'm ready to help do it One or two marijuana cigarets and you can have an addict We can't let it happen to kids" Wichita Falls got real pat on the bark from the agent who said been in much larger cities throughout the whole Southwest that did not give me the help I got here" Particularly for Ranger Geer fWho he calls Big and for Haley did have praise "I haven't worked with better people I consider it an honor that they called me and very glad that I While everyone here is glad that he came a few aren't sorry to see him go namely the high school teachers "One of said lapsing back Into his role of the sdrlle-pated troublemaker "was gonna give me a little credit "She sez to me think you've got possibilities if just "I Just gave her the eye and said you know the half of and that fixed IF YOU WANT smeranK I Join a NON-PARTISAN for AA AfklMA i movement to elect General VlrCrOv Eisenhower President of the United States! He has indicated that if the people of America want him to serve he will not refuse the nomination Let Texas General birthplace lead in a nation-wide demand that he assume the devoted Christian leadership which this country so badly needs in these troubled times This is an appeal to the men women and children of Texas regardless of political party age creed or color teachers students farmers housewives laborers business and professional people All of you who love your country urge General Eisenhower to be a candidate for President and bring our government back to the faith of our forefathers to the home the church and the school We are not asking nor will we ask you for money We ARE urging your support of a great American If you think the future of your country is worth a 3 -cent stamp fill in and mail the coupon below We will tell you just how you can help further this NON-PARTISAN movement throughout the United States Dearborn's amazing Cool Safety Cabinet ends the hazard of scorched walls and furniture can't bum tiny fin-gen stays touch-cool on top aides and bottom Circulate floods of clean floor-warming heat to every comer! MM-CI0WN WRMI-pvei ym mu hut were isrrke wet wueiy UO-MITI yecr set i Boonfthil FROT OfflAIIO-es mi kf WatoMy A BEMTffVl nWK-b fceadMM end see our templet tine! You '8 be proud lo own a the world's finest safest gos heeler RSKffi! TfXAI POX rHENMOWr Denison Tens I went Eisenhower for PrrsiJent riease list my name si member of your organization Tell me how I can help TEXAS FOR EISENHOWER ROBERT DOSS Chairman Denison Texas HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE CO rL 20753 Signed AJJrest City GENERAL APPLIANCE CO I A4 10 fur hy ibo omHImI 925 Indiana Phene 2-547.
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