Daniel Armstrong Memorial Research Paper Award: REEI Funding Opportunities: Funding: Undergraduate: Academic Programs: Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute: Indiana University Bloomington (2024)


Nicolas Ingersoll - +amp;#8220;Shipping Without Convoy: Informality and Conflicting Visions for Economic Development Through Forced Labor in the Postwar Kolyma River Basin+amp;#8221;

Filip Mitri+amp;#269;evi+amp;#263; - +amp;#8220;Rethinking Rebellion, Rethinking the Nation: The Central State Holiday in Socialist and Post-Socialist Serbia+amp;#8221;

Griffin Edwards - +amp;#8220;GRAND PRINCE PUTIN: How and Why Today+amp;#8217;s Russian State Reminds Us of its Premodern Past+amp;#8221;

Anabel Aguiar - +amp;#8220;Examining Soviet Representations of Age Through the Theory of the Interval The Films of Dziga Vertov+amp;#8221;


John DiCandeloro -+amp;#8220;A Bouquet of Words The Making of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani+amp;#8217;s Dictionary in Persian Imperial Context+amp;#8221;

Amanda Lawnicki -+amp;#8220;Abandoned? Not in my neighborhood.+amp;#8221; Perceptions of Abandoned Buildings in Tuzla, Bosnia +amp; Herzegovina+amp;#8221;

Stuart Sones - +amp;#8220;Uzbek Estrada on the World Stage: Navigating Cultural Reform, Institutions, and Soviet Internationalism+amp;#8221;


Leah Valtin-Erwin - +amp;#8220;A Bag for All Systems: Shopping Bags and Urban Grocery Shopping In Late Communist and Early Post-Communist Eastern Europe, 1980 - 2000+amp;#8221;

Madeline McCann - +amp;#8220;The Neighborhood as a Site of Political Mobilization: Challenging Housing Renovation and Pension Reform in Moscow+amp;#8221;

Daniel Schumick - +amp;#8220;The Challenges of Containment: Yugoslavia+amp;#8217;s Role in Truman+amp;#8217;s Grand Strategy+amp;#8221;


Samuel Fajerstein - +amp;#8220;The Transformation of Puti sel+amp;#8217;skogo khoziaistva and the +amp;#8220;Army of Soviet Agronomists+amp;#8221;

NO MA Essay Winner

NO UG Essay Winner


Rebecca Mueller - +amp;#8220;Mental Health Reform and Post Socialism in Albania+amp;#8221;

Szabolcs Laszlo - +amp;#8220;Reclaiming the Hearts and Minds - Thick Description of Cold War Encounters at the Iowa International Writing Program+amp;#8221;

No UG Essay Winner


Bryan Holyfield - +amp;#8220;A Cultural Uniform? Secondary Education and School Culture in Late Imperial Russia+amp;#8221;

Kristoffer Hellen - +amp;#8220;Shifting Religious Boundaries: Colonial Power, Modernism, and the Re-urbanization of Traditional Volga-Ural Life (1552 - 1917)+amp;#8221;

Madeline Steup - +amp;#8220;Tangled Web: Expression, Duality, and the Creation of Text in Sasha Sokolov+amp;#8217;s A School for Fools+amp;#8221;


Hannah Kay - +amp;#8220;Revolutionary Road: Georgia+amp;#8217;s Difficult Path from Independence to a Functioning Market Economy+amp;#8221;

Geoffrey Durham -+amp;#8220;Schrodinger+amp;#8217;s Peasants: Social Transformation in Rural Russia+amp;#8221;

Tyler Bonnet - +amp;#8220;The Road to NATO - Russian Missile Defense Cooperation+amp;#8221;

Sarah Friedline
, English/Germanic Studies: +amp;#8220;Perception and Adoption of Ethnic Ukrainian Identity through Religious Customs by non-Ukrainians at the St. Michael+amp;#8217;s Ukrainian Catholic Church+amp;#8221;
Andrew Jacobs, History: +amp;#8220;An Important Role to Play: African Americans and the Soviet Union, 1920-1938+amp;#8221;
Anna Arays, Russian and East European Institute, SOIC: +amp;#8220;Revolution in Reverse: Early Printing and Manuscript Practices in Russia as +amp;#8216;Agents of Change+amp;#8217;+amp;#8221;

Ilana Miller
, History: +amp;#8220;Co-opting Tevye: Fiddler on the Roof Productions in Communist Czechoslovakia, 1968-1970+amp;#8221;
Emily Young, Russian and East European Institute/SLIS: +amp;#8220;Alt-SHIFT: Queer Online Discourses on Coming Out in Serbia+amp;#8221;
Mallory Thayer, International Studies: +amp;#8220;Environmental Movements and Class in the Czech Republic+amp;#8221;

Katie Hiatt
, History: +amp;#8220;Writing Herself into the Camp Narrative: Gulag Survivor Memoirs of Soviet Women Intellectuals+amp;#8221;
H. Blake Reinhold, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Reexamining the Soviet Union+amp;#8217;s Decision to Invade Afghanistan+amp;#8221;

Katherine Pruess
, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Krokodil Tears: Ridicule, Praise, and the +amp;#8216;Big Deal+amp;#8217;.+amp;#8221;
Justin Classen, History: +amp;#8220;A Secret Power: American Multinationals and the Construction of Greater Romania, 1919-1926.+amp;#8221;

M. Benjamin Thorne, History: +amp;#8220;The Anxiety of Proximity: The Cultural and Social Origins of the +amp;#8216;Gypsy Question+amp;#8217; in Romanian Society During the Interwar Period.+amp;#8221;
Lauren Butt, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Authentic Bosnia: (Re)constructing Nostalgia in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina+amp;#8221;
Kylie Poulin, Political Science: +amp;#8220;Circ*mstantial Engagement: Soviet Military Intervention in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.+amp;#8221;

Erin K. Biebuyck, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;The Collectivization of Pleasure: Normative Sexuality in Post-1966 Romania+amp;#8221;
David Stira, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Remembering the Baltic Deportations+amp;#8221;
Alexandra Tipei, History : +amp;#8220;How to Make Truth from a File: Private and Public Uses of Secret Archives+amp;#8221;

Colin Dietch, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Nation and Regime: Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy in Post-Soviet Belarus and Ukraine+amp;#8221;
Michael Gold, Spanish: +amp;#8220;Restoring Indo-Russian Relations: An Evaluation of Russian Foreign Policy/Strategy+amp;#8221; (undergraduate)
Ryan Kilgore, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;The Shtetl and Jewish Resettlement in Soviet Cinema in the Interwar Period+amp;#8221;
Joanna Matuszak, Art History: +amp;#8220;Self-Portrayal of a Soviet Artist: The Case of Aleksander Deineka+amp;#8217;s Self-Portrait of 1948+amp;#8221;

Colleen Moore, History: +amp;#8220;Popular Response to War and Mobilization in Russia in 1914+amp;#8221;
Kathleen Minahan, Slavic Languages and Literatures/History: +amp;#8220;Political Perestroika+amp;#8217; Interrupted: Education in the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949+amp;#8221; (undergraduate)
Andrew Ringlee, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;The Military Gymnazia in Reform Era Russia, 1863-1882+amp;#8221;

Andrew Burton, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Minority Self-Governance: Minority Representation in Flux for the Hungarian Roma+amp;#8221;
Nicole McGrath, History: +amp;#8220;The Tercentenary Celebrations and the Romanov Identity Crisis+amp;#8221;
Anna Muller, History: +amp;#8220;+amp;#8216;To Not Yield Means to Win+amp;#8217;; Fordoniarki-Stalinist Women Prisoners, the Experience, Sense of Suffering, and Memory of Women Fighters+amp;#8221;
Jeremy Stewart, Political Science: +amp;#8220;An Explanation of Differences in Hungarian and Romanian Responses to Perestroika+amp;#8221; (undergraduate)

Philip C. Hart, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Red Dusk? The Defeat of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the 2003/04 Elections+amp;#8221;
Leslie Lutz, School of Public and Environmental Affairs/Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Russian Nonprofit Tax Law: A Call for Reform+amp;#8221;
Lyndsay Miles, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Russo-Georgian Relations and the Impact of the Rose Revolution+amp;#8221; (graduate)
Sarah Milianta, Political Science: +amp;#8220;The Chernobyl Catastrophe: Stalin+amp;#8217;s Influence and Glasnost+amp;#8217;s First Test+amp;#8221; (undergraduate)

Jennifer Maceyko, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Political and Cultural Mobilization among Ethnic Minorities in Post-Soviet Ukraine: Russians, Poles, and Hungarians+amp;#8221;
Matthew C. Curtis, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Small Nations, Tall Tales: Three Balkan Epics and National Identity in Slovenia, Serbia, and Albania+amp;#8221;
Siobhan C. Reardon, Slavic Languages and Literatures: +amp;#8220;Fascism Under the Blue Star: Constructions of the Holocaust under Khrushchev and Brezhnev+amp;#8221; (undergraduate)

Mark Betka, School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Integration of Polish Farming to the European Common Agriculture Policy: Challenges and Opportunities+amp;#8221;
Christian Kanig, History: +amp;#8220;The Evolution of the Soviet Reeducation Program+amp;#8221;
Naomi Shulman, English and Jewish Studies: +amp;#8220;Moments of Insufficiency: And Analysis of Halkin+amp;#8217;s Translation of Mendele+amp;#8217;s The Brief Travels of Benjamin the Third+amp;#8221; (undergraduate)

Janis Cakars, Journalism and Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Soldiers of the Pen: The Use of Media in the Nonviolent Liberation in Latvia+amp;#8221;
Christian Kanig, History +amp;#8220;Engineers of the Human Soul: Upravelinie Propagandy+amp;#8221;
Patrick Kinney, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;National Religions and Religious Nationalities: Complexities of Identity in Communist and Post-Communist Romania+amp;#8221;

Mustafa Tuna, History: +amp;#8220;Gaspirah vs. Il+amp;#8217;minskii: Two Identity Projects for the Muslims of the Russian Empire+amp;#8221;
Angela White, History: +amp;#8220;The +amp;#8216;Perfect Compromise+amp;#8217;: Bernard Singer, Acculturation, and the Polish-Jewish Press+amp;#8221;

Donald A. Preuefer, Jr., Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;From Throw Weights to Metric Tons: The Radioactive Waste Problems of Russia+amp;#8217;s Northern Fleet+amp;#8221;
Nathaniel D. Wood, History: +amp;#8220;Becoming a +amp;#8216;Great City+amp;#8217;: Metropolitan Imaginations and Apprehensions in the Cracovian Popular Press, 1900-1914+amp;#8221;

George D. Jones, III, History: +amp;#8220;hom*osexual Identity in the Art of Turn-of-the-Century Russia+amp;#8221;
Melissa A. Cakars, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;The Tlingit and Aleut Experience in Russian America+amp;#8221;

John V. Tarpley, History: +amp;#8220;Portrait of an Empire: Russian Approaches to Asia in Aziatskaia Rossiia+amp;#8221;
Katherine H. Currie, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Nourishment of the Soul: The Importance of Culture During the Siege of Leningrad+amp;#8221;

Daniel G. Prior, Central Eurasian Studies: +amp;#8220;Patron, Party, Patrimony: A Cultural History of Kirghiz Epic from 1856 to the present+amp;#8221;
Braeson E. House, History: +amp;#8220;A History of Significance: The Kuban Cossacks in the Service of the Volunteer Army+amp;#8221;

David Fisher, History: +amp;#8220;Priests of the Marxist Parish? Americanists and American Studies in the Former Soviet Union, 1953-1996+amp;#8221;
Lynn M. Sargeant, History: +amp;#8220;The Social Politics of Music: Revolutionary Legitimacy and Artistic Integrity in the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories, 1917-1932+amp;#8221;

David Korfhage, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Interpretation and Reinterpretation of Rukopis Kr+amp;#225;lov+amp;#233;dvorsk+amp;#253; and Rukopis Zelenohorsk+amp;#253;+amp;#8221;
Mark C. Temple, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;The Politicization of History: Marshal Antonescu and Romania+amp;#8221;

John Gaffney, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;A New Era in Russian Relations in Northeast Asia+amp;#8221;
David Korfhage, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Social Movements and Democratization: The Case of Civic Reform+amp;#8221;
Caterina Panos, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;The Hardest Path: A Political Biography of Aleksander Tvardovskii+amp;#8221;

Richard Terrell, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;Stalinist Interpretation of Lenin+amp;#8217;s Theory of National Self-Determination+amp;#8221;
Michaela Pohl, History: +amp;#8220;Peasant Women in Soviet Chastushki, 1922-1941+amp;#8221;

Shoshana Keller, History: +amp;#8220;Islam in Soviet Central Asia, 1917-1930: The Struggle for Control+amp;#8221;
William Raisner, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;The Effect of the Invasion of Afghanistan on Soviet-Pakistani Relations: And Historical Perspective+amp;#8221;

Virginia L. Clough, Russian and East European Institute: +amp;#8220;From Transmission Belt to Spark Plug: The Union of Cinematographers Under Gorbachev+amp;#8221;

Curt Woolhiser, Slavic Languages and Literature: +amp;#8220;Expletive Pronouns in Slavic: Subject or Topic+amp;#8221;
Vicki Williams, Slavic Languages and Literature: +amp;#8220;Towards an Interpretation of Pautina+amp;#8221;

Robert Montgomery, History: +amp;#8220;Aspects of Buriat Nationality Policy: Native-Language Education and Alphabet Reform, 1917- c.1930+amp;#8221;
Robin M. Bisha, History: +amp;#8220;Disputed Dowries in Imperial Russia+amp;#8221;

Hal Kosiba, History: +amp;#8220;Stalin+amp;#8217;s Balkans Aims: Turkey, the Percentages Agreement, and the Resumption of the Cold War+amp;#8221;
Robert Clough, Political Science: +amp;#8220;Eastern Europe+amp;#8217;s Successful and Unsuccessful Policy Choices in the Development of the Computer Industry+amp;#8221;

Paul E. Richardson, Political Science: +amp;#8220;Intervention in Afghanistan: Soviet Motives, Strategy, and Effectiveness+amp;#8221;
Brendan Kiernan, Political Science: +amp;#8220;Lenin+amp;#8217;s Theory of Imperialism and Soviet Theories of Neocolonialism+amp;#8221;

Robert Clough, Political Science: +amp;#8220;A Critique of Lenin+amp;#8217;s Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism A Lesson in Over-Reliance on Two Sources+amp;#8221;
Steven Merritt Miner, History: +amp;#8220;The Brief Resurrection of Maksim Litvinov, May 1939- June 1942+amp;#8221;
Mark A. Pearcy, History: +amp;#8220;Emperor Karl and Hapsburg Dissolution, 1916-1918+amp;#8221; (undergraduate)

James Felak, History: +amp;#8220;The Slovak State, 1939-1945: How Independent Was It?+amp;#8221;
Marina Ashanin, Journalism: +amp;#8220;Self-Management in the Post-Tito Press: Who+amp;#8217;s Managing Whom?+amp;#8221;

Catherine Albrecht, History: +amp;#8220;Savings Banks in Bohemia, 1852-1900+amp;#8221;
Vincent Kirk Bennett, Slavic Languages and Literatures: +amp;#8220;Soviet Historiography and the question of Russian Colonization of Turkestan+amp;#8221;

Paul Latawski, History: +amp;#8220;The Anglo-Polish Dispute on the Disposition of Eastern Galicia, 1918-1919+amp;#8221;
John Norman, History: +amp;#8220;Snegurochka: The Odessy of a Folk Tale+amp;#8221;

Stefan Troebst, History: +amp;#8220;Some Aspects of Anti-Semitism in Bulgaria, 1878-1912+amp;#8221;
Roger Kodat, Kelley School of Business: +amp;#8220;Evaluating the Rush Succession Model: An Empirical Analysis of Political Succession in Postwar Czechoslovakia+amp;#8221;

Daniel Armstrong Memorial Research Paper Award: REEI Funding Opportunities: Funding: Undergraduate: Academic Programs: Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute: Indiana University Bloomington (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.